Option Strategies Properties

Modified on 2016/04/25 15:25 by Rob Erickson (Plus500) — Categorized as: Uncategorized


  1. Columns From this tab, add or remove columns from the Option Strategies window.
  2. Display From this tab, set the current Option Strategies format as default or adjust the font in the Option Strategies window.
  3. Column Selection Click the "+" icon to expand a heading and see all the column offerings beneath it. Click the "-" icon to collapse a heading. Place a check in the box next to a desired column in order to add that column to the Option Strategies window.
  4. Move Up/Down Click on a column name on the right side of this window then click the up or down arrows to change the location of the column. By default, new columns are added to the bottom of this list, which corresponds to the last column on the right in the Option Strategies window.
  5. Remove Click on a column name on the right side of this window then click the red "X" to remove that column from view.
  6. Close Closes the properties window. Note that all changes take place immediately but they are not automatically saved to the workspace. If changes need to be saved, please save the workspace from the main CTS toolbar.

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